Yemen Army Infiltrated By Rebel Moles

Military Units loyal to President Saleh may have been infiltrated by rebel spies who give advnce warning about impending Military action and steal any battle plans which loyalist commanders may draw up. This was confirmed by 1st Armored Brigade commander.He claimed that majority of military units are willing to join the rebels for revolution but are afraid to do so.

To prove his point he explained that most units refuse to shell or kill civilians plus they keep in touch with the rebel units passing vital intel to them.

The first armored brigade which defected early during the revolution has come under heavy attack from the army. Maj. Gen. Al-Mosen house and office have been shelled.

Irrespective of the denials from the Government many army men have confirmed that they did attack first armored brigade targets quite a few times.

“The division didn’t respond except by using anti-air. The Air Defense attack started around 6:30 PM to 10 PM then it stopped. The fighting then resumed again for three hours” said Col. Faris.

A weapon storage facility that belongs to the Defense Ministry was destroyed according to the same source. “The regime destroyed the storage facility so that rebel tribesmen or civilians couldn’t raid the facility for weapons and munitions to use against the government,” he added.

One of the senior officer who defected to the rebel camp confirmed that military units have handed over several military installation to rebel soldiers without a fight.“They are currently being armed with RPGs and LAW rocket launchers in Arhab, the interior ministry and some tribes loyal to Saleh in Attain” said Col Faris.